Tom - Oxford

DPhil Physics - University of Oxford

My name is Tom, and I'm a final-year PhD student at the University of Oxford, studying particle physics. My research involves investigating tiny particles called neutrinos and understanding how they interact and travel through the universe. Prior to my PhD, I earned my MPhys, also at Oxford, where my research focused on dark matter and galaxies.

I am dedicated to providing comprehensive guidance to my students, covering a wide range of academic and personal development areas. I have extensive experience in preparing students for the Physics Aptitude Test (PAT), equipping them with problem-solving skills and critical thinking strategies essential for success. Additionally, I offer tailored support in crafting compelling personal statements, ensuring that each student's unique qualities and aspirations shine through. To simulate the interview experience, I conduct mock interviews, helping students refine their communication and presentation abilities. Having been a candidate myself and, more recently, having interviewed candidates for admission to the Oxford physics course, I believe I can offer an authentic Oxford physics interview experience. For several years, I have also taught third-year particle physics at two Oxford colleges, guiding undergraduates through complex university physics problems in small tutorial sessions, preparing them for their end-of-year examinations.

As someone who has experienced being an Oxford undergraduate physics applicant, student, and tutor, I feel well-placed to advise students on all aspects of the application process. This includes writing a memorable personal statement, preparing for the PAT and interview, and understanding the qualities interviewers seek in successful Oxford physics applicants.

If you have any questions about my experience, please feel free to contact me at


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