Mary - Oxford

MBiochem Biochemistry - University of Oxford

Hi, I’m Mary! I graduated from University of Oxford with an Integrated Masters Degree in Biochemistry in July 2022. I was an all-rounder in school, choosing to study Triple Science, History, French and Spanish for GSCE alongside the compulsory subjects. I ended up achieving the highest GCSE grades in my year at school - 9A*s, 3As and 1B. Throughout my GCSEs, I realised I loved the science subjects, especially Biology and Chemistry. I have always been most fascinated by biology at the molecular level, especially the complexity of the chemical reactions that occur in our cells to allow us live, breathe, see, fight infections and so much more. This led me to explore Biochemistry as a subject of interest at university. To ensure I had the best possible knowledge going into a Biochemistry course, I chose to do Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics at A-level and achieved A*A*A, respectively. I managed to get these grades, not only through thorough revision of the content, but also by studying the necessary exam technique for each paper. With this in mind, I am confident that I can aid students with their Biology and Chemistry GCSE/A-level preparation. In addition, I have conducted many lessons on applying to Oxbridge, including super-curriculars guidance, personal statement drafting tips and feedback, and interview preparation. I would love to help students who are keen on studying Biochemistry at a top UK university.

In 2020, I provided tutoring for GCSE Biology through the Oxford Hub. From 2021 to 2023, I took the lead in operating an Oxbridge admissions company, during which time I planned and executed numerous hours of tutoring sessions. Within this capacity, I facilitated various preparatory activities for Oxbridge admissions, including conducting workshops to prepare students for interviews, offering feedback on personal statements, conducting personal statement-based interviews, arranging Oxbridge mock interviews, and orchestrating Multiple Mini Interviews (MMIs).

If you have any questions about my experience, please feel free to contact me at


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