US Universities: Decision Time

As U.S. colleges and universities begin sending out acceptance letters, prospective international students who applied and gained admission to more than one school will have a big decision to make.

Here are four key factors prospective international students should consider when deciding which U.S. college to attend.

 1) Price:


The biggest factor for most students and families usually comes down to the cost of tuition and additional cost of living. International students also have to think about currency conversion, which might make someone's education even more expensive if they're from a country where perhaps their currency is weaker than the dollar.

 2) Career goals:

International students should make sure the college they choose offers a program in the field they want to study.  International students should also think about where they want to live and work after graduation. If students want to try to stay in the U.S. to work, they will want to pay attention to a potential college's U.S. job placement numbers for international students.

3) Support services:

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International students will want to consider available support options before making a final decision. Support such as career services, international peers community, as well as student support for those struggling to adjust to being away from home.

4) Location:

International students must consider the logistics of travel from their home country to a particular college campus. Sometimes students and families are more comfortable knowing a direct flight is available in case of emergencies or if the student wants to come home during breaks.  Also, international students must consider the costs associated with travel to and from there home country. Sometimes it may not be economically feasible for students to travel home and other accommodations and arrangements must be made.

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