Posts tagged izzy
English Language Admissions Test - (Expert Oxford & Cambridge Application Advice)

So - you’ve submitted your essays and your personal statement, you’re preparing for your interview, and you’re half-way through the Oxbridge application process for English. One hurdle looms ahead: the ELAT, or English Literature Admissions Test.

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Music Model Personal Statement

Reading Nicholas Cook's 'Music: A Very Short Introduction' kindled my enthusiasm for the study of music. I was particularly interested in his discussion of how performers are perceived in classical music, and their presumed job to channel the intentions of the composer.

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5 Reasons to Study English (Expert Oxford & Cambridge Application Advice)

An English degree gives you the chance to spend three years reading books, thinking about books, writing about books, and talking about books. This means you’ll need to spend a lot of time reading - in the library, in your room, in a cafe, it doesn’t matter, as long as you’re meeting your weekly reading goals.

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English Literature Interview - Wish I'd Known (Expert Oxford & Cambridge Application Advice)

The English interview is, essentially, a couple of hours in which you’re allowed to discuss the entire body of English literature with leading experts in the field. That may sound daunting, but it’s also a very exciting opportunity…

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