Posts tagged Physics
Dentistry Model Personal Statement

My passion for dentistry stems from witnessing my uncle treating emergency patients at his dental clinic while on holiday two years ago. This has led me to pursue dentistry as I observed how dentists have the ability to provide great comfort and care to numerous people. This experience demonstrated to me how it is a career where "no one size fits all" and it is this unique drive that appeals to me the most.

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Chemical Natural Sciences Model Personal Statement

Natural Sciences have played a key part in my personal and academic life since childhood, from watching programmes with my parents about forensic history or reading books about the development of the universe, such as The Magic of Reality by Richard Dawkins.

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Chemical Engineering Model Personal Statement

I was introduced to Chemical Engineering aged eleven, during my stay at a hotel in Colombo. The manager explained their sustainability programme and how chlorine is used to neutralise water and inhibit bacteria from reproducing, thus making the water pure and safe.

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Guide to Natural Sciences Interviews (Expert Cambridge Application Advice)

The Oxbridge Interview process is extremely nerve-wracking and demanding for all subjects, and Physical Natural Sciences (Or Phys Nat Sci for short) poses no exception. That being said, the interview process for Phys Nat Sci is far more predictable in form than for many other subjects…

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Physical Natural Sciences Model Personal Statement

Chemistry as the “central science“ appeals to me due to its interdisciplinary reach, and fascinating areas of research: from organic chemistry to quantum mechanics and materials. Attending a chemistry masterclass at Cambridge University inspired me to explore the science further,

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Physics Personal Statement

Aged six, I attended a general science exhibition at the Science Museum, where the concept of kinetic energy was introduced, and my interest in Physics was sparked. While studying for my GCSEs, I found that Physics and Mathematics inspired me, so I chose both as my Higher Level IB subjects.

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