Posts tagged Foreign Languages
Modern and Medieval Languages (French) Model Personal Statement

An instant pathway into the hearts of people you meet. That’s what languages are. This is affirmed as, the day before submitting this, I spoke to a Columbian and through our shared Spanish, he felt an affinity with me and opened up about his whole life. The number of these encounters proves the importance of languages.

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Modern and Medieval Languages (German and Spanish) Model Personal Statement

My first exposure to foreign languages came from taking up piano. On one level, I was learning a new vocabulary of Italian adjectives and present participles (‘adagio’, ‘meno mosso’, ‘crescendo’); on another, I was learning to read a new script - to recognise symbols and translate them into where, when and how my fingers press the keys.

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Modern and Medieval Languages (French and Russian) Model Personal Statement

Language is the basis of everything. From casual conversations to the soul-wrenching song that is Akhmatova's 'Requiem', it encompasses, defines and creates all. I have chosen to study Russian and French because I know the ability to speak foreign languages allows access to a world of experience outside our own cultural context.

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Modern Languages Interview - Wish I'd Known (Expert Oxford & Cambridge Application Advice)

When you open that email telling you that you’ve been invited to interview for Modern Languages, you’re probably filled with happiness and dread in equal measure. Hopefully, by the time you’ve finished reading this short guide to Modern Languages interviews, you’ll feel a bit more at ease.

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