History Interview Practice Questions (Expert Oxford & Cambridge Application Advice)

  1. What is the role of myth in history?

  2. Should historians seek to achieve objectivity, and can they ever succeed?

  3. Is visiting historical sites useful to a historian?

  4. How do you define a revolution?

  5. Should historians pass moral judgements?

  6. “History is written by the victors”. Discuss.

  7. Should historians write the history of cultures that they are not part of?

  8. Is history an art or a science?

  9. How useful are re-enactments to a historian?

  10. "The history of the world is but the biography of great men". Discuss.

  11. Should we remove statues of controversial historical figures from public spaces?

  12. Should historians be passionate or dispassionate about their subject?

  13. Should we think of our culture and civilization as having progressed?

  14. Does history ever repeat itself, and do we ever learn from our mistakes?

  15. Historical narratives are a function of power. Discuss.

  16. Is history important beyond informing the present?

  17. If you were a historian in 2100, how would you write the history of the 2010s and what sources would you use?

  18. “The history of all previous societies has been the history of class struggles.” Discuss.

  19. How do ideas affect history?

  20. “British schools should teach British history.” Discuss

    This article was written by Wojciech (Oxford - History & Politics).

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Author: Wojciech - Oxford

BA History & Politics

Since graduating I have acquired extensive experience in Mentoring for Oxbridge admissions. I have worked in person with students in London, Hong Kong and Budapest and taught A-level History and Politics at Akademeia High School in Warsaw.

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