3 Reasons NOT to apply to Oxbridge (Expert Oxford & Cambridge Application Advice)

1) You don’t love talking about your subject

Tutorials/supervisions are essential to the Oxbridge learning experience. You learn by discussing your subject with world-class tutors. That doesn’t mean you can’t be shy, or an introvert; but if you hate discussing material about your subject, somewhere with more lectures and fewer tutorials may be more appropriate.

2) You don’t want a heavy workload

Work and Oxbridge go together. There is no escaping this, even if you don’t get involved in extracurricular and live your room. This is not to say that the workload will be overwhelming; many students manage it and find they have plenty of time to spare. However, if the idea of writing two essays a week or attending classes every day doesn’t attract you, then applying to Oxbridge is probably not a good idea.

3) You don’t want to be constantly surrounded by the university

Whilst it is perfectly possible to escape university buildings, these are university cities; it will be more difficult than other universities. This is particularly the case if you live in college. Some students feel claustrophobic, whilst others feel inspired; whatever floats your boat really.


This article was written by Kes (Oxford - PPE). 

If you find this content useful, please visit Kes' profile for further information on applying to Oxbridge. Alternatively, book support now with Kes, using the form below.


Author: Kes - Oxford

BA Philosophy, Politics & Economics

In my mentoring, I like to focus on building critical thinking and communication skills, which are fundamental to both PPE. In my experience, the best way to build these skills is through understanding argument structure and then applying it to different scenarios.

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