Zara - Cambridge

BA in Human, Social & Political Sciences - University of Cambridge


Hello! My name is Zara and I recently graduated with a First Class degree in Human, Social, and Political Sciences from the University of Cambridge. In my final year, I specialised in Sociology and ranked 8th in my cohort. Throughout my studies, I have embarked on a range of modules including International Relations, Anthropology, Politics, Statisics, and Social Theory. This has equipped me with a broad insight into the diverse areas of HSPS at Cambridge, which I can readily draw on to provide support to students preparing an application to the University while exploring their own specific intellectual interests.

During my A-levels I achieved A*'s in History and Economics and an A in Spanish. I also studied English Literature at AS-level where I achieved an A. I was further recognised by my school for achieving the highest mark in Economics for my AS-level exam. Alongside my studies, I worked as Head Girl in my final year, a role which involved mentorship with students ranging from Year 7 to 13.

I have extensive mentorship experience which has involved participating in a shadowing scheme where I supported a sixth-former in their application to Cambridge as well as hosting the student at university for a week to familiarise them with the university, HSPS, and the application process. I have further worked as an environmental educator where I mentored students and staff to develop successful sustainability initiatives. My approach to mentorship is flexible and adaptable to each student's individual needs, preferences, and interests. I am extremely passionate about my subject and thoroughly enjoyed my time studying at Cambridge - I am excited to support others to explore and pursue their academic passions!

If you have any questions about my experience, please feel free to contact me at


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