Sohini - UCL

MSc in Management - University College London


I am currently a postgraduate Management student at UCL having just graduated with a BSc in Economics from the University of Birmingham. Aside from mentoring, I am also a pro-bono consultant for 180 Degrees Consulting.

Prior to university, I completed my International Baccalaureate examinations in Stockholm. My volunteering experiences with Amnesty International to help victims of abuse for three years motivated further research into Development Economics for my dissertation. I investigated the extent to which women’s autonomy through equalised inheritance rights affected the prevalence of domestic violence in India through conducting extensive qualitative and econometrics analysis - achieving a first in my dissertation.

During my undergrad, I also held leadership positions for two years as the Social Secretary and Vice President of the Economics Society. As such, I was able to implement major reforms to the structure of the society, advocate for inclusivity through co-devising a ‘Parenting-Buddy-System’ for the Business School, and hence act as a peer-mentor supporting the former years with academic and social inquiries. These encompassed module selections, assessment guidance, general advice, social tips, and more.

As a mentor, I hope to provide support, advice, and insight to prospective MiM or Economics candidates regarding curating personal statements, preparing for admissions interviews, in-depth perspective on topic/degree areas, and help with potential prerequisites for specific modules.


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