Robbie - Oxford

BA in History - University of Oxford


I am a recent graduate of Brasenose College, Oxford, where I studied History. Between 2017 and 2019, I worked at Eton College in the History department and as the College's Filmmaker-in-Residence. I now work as a private tutor specialising in Oxbridge admissions.

At Eton, I was part of a 3 person team working with History Oxbridge applicants three times a week, advising on every step of the admissions process. This included advice on personal statements, marking History Aptitude Tests, and carrying out mock-Oxbridge interviews for both the Eton students and applicants from other schools. In the year 2017/18, we received more Oxbridge offers than any other department in the school. Since leaving the school, I have continued to consult on their History Oxbridge program.

I pass on my expertise to my students through methods which aim to broaden their conception of the admission process. Frequent feedback on drafts of personal statements, mock tests and mock interviews is accompanied by questioning and advice which allows them to start engaging with history at a degree level.


We create a global team of experts who manage your entire application from start to finish. You also have your own personal Application Strategist who can be contacted anytime via Whatsapp. Click below to find out more.