Julia - Imperial

MEng in Biomedical Engineering - Imperial College London


I am currently in my 3rd year of Biomedical Engineering MEng at Imperial College London, which is a wonderful course that I am enjoying very much. I was born in China and moved to Australia where I completed most of my schooling, so English is my first language but I can also speak mandarin.

I remember putting a lot of time and effort into my own university applications to Imperial and Cambridge, as well as a lot of stress over the interviews. I have many detailed memories of the numerous steps involved including getting references, writing the personal statement, sending in international school transcripts, the visa application, UCAS, and of course the interview day (which includes a one-on-one interview as well as a group work session). I would love to use my experience of the process help others to navigate this journey, as well as any additional hurdles for an international student.


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