Geronimo - Oxford

BA in Archaeology and Anthropology - University of Oxford

Hello, my name is Geronimo. I’m a second-year Archaeology and Anthropology (Arch and Ant) student at the University of Oxford at St Hugh's College. As one of the current undegraduate representatives for my degree I feel like I have a unique understanding of how the degree works. I love the many different areas of Arch and Ant but I have a special interest in Mesoamerica and Political Anthropology. I studied Physics, Maths and History at A level (getting an A*,A,A respectively). In History A level I did the British Empire and Modern China papers.

I have some limited experience volunteer tutoring but enough to understand how to make tutoring work for you and your aims. I seek to establish a strong foundation in all my tutees which will allow them to take forward methods and strategies which they can then use to learn independently.

I've previously tutored for Tutor the Nation, a non-profit that matches tutors with those from underpriveleged backgrounds. I did this briefly for one term.

If you have any questions about my experience, please feel free to contact me at


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