Victor - Oxford

DPhil in Interdisciplinary Bioscience - University of Oxford | BA in Biological Sciences - University of Oxford

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Hi, I’m Victor! I’m a final year BBSRC funded DPhil student studying animal cognition and decision-making. I read for a BA in Biological Sciences at Merton College from 2015-18 and then started a DPhil at Merton. In my fourth year, I moved to St Anne’s to take up a Graduate Development Scholarship in Biology. I am passionate about equality, diversity and inclusivity and helped to found the University of Oxford’s BIPOC STEM Network.

I joined St Hilda’s College as a Stipendiary Lecturer in Biology in October 2022. I teach on the first year diversity of life and ecology and evolution courses, and on second and third year animal behaviour courses, as well as statistics. I have particular interests in optimality theory, foraging theory and animal intelligence.

In terms of my research, I use classical and operant conditioning paradigms to comparatively investigate curiosity-driven information-seeking behaviour in a range of taxa, and have so far worked with rats, goldfish and honeybees.

I have significant tutoring and teaching experience, equipping me with the knowledge and skills to help students get into top universities. I have always learnt best when a teacher is receptive, patient and understanding. I hope that students will find my mentoring sessions friendly and enjoyable, but also challenging.

If you have any questions about my experience, please feel free to contact me at


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