Toks - Oxford

BA Medical Science - University of Oxford | Bachelors of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery - University of Oxford


I am currently working as a Junior Doctor having graduated with a BM BCh in July 2019. I attained a BA in medical sciences at Oxford. I previously attended The Skinners' School in Kent where I achieved 12 A*s at GCSE and 5 A*s at A-Level in Further Maths, Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

I have had a variety of teaching experiences, including setting up a clinical teaching course at my college in which I give tutorials to clinical medical students as a graduate mentor. I have also taught medical students formally at the medical school on numerous topics. I have been involved in multiple medical education projects, including co-directing a virtual reality medical simulation teaching course.

I have mentored prospective students in their applications to medical school, helping with interview preparation and reviewing personal statements. As such, I am happy to guide students through this with an individualised, flexible approach.

I am soon starting my Academic Foundation Programme placement where I will be further exploring my interest in medical education with a 4-month research block. I am comfortable mentoring final year medical students through the AFP application and interview process through a tailored preparation scheme.

If you have any questions about my experience, please feel free to contact me at


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