Louis - Imperial

MSc/PhD in Statistics - Imperial College London | BA in Mathematics - University of Cambridge

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To start, a little about my own background! In 2013, I completed my secondary school education, achieving four A*s at A-Level, in Mathematics (Edexcel), Further Mathematics (Edexcel), Physics (AQA), and History (Edexcel). I continued to pursue a degree at the University of Cambridge, graduating in 2016 with a 2.1 in Mathematics (B.A. Hons). I have since achieved Distinctions in two masters level degrees at Imperial College London: Statistics (MSc) and Mathematics (MRes). I am currently a PhD student in the Statistics Section of the Mathematics Department at Imperial College London.

I have now been tutoring online just under five years, and have tutored over 30 students, varying from those just starting out on their GCSEs, to prospective Oxbridge students looking for guidance with their entrance exams, to those looking to improve their mathematical skills prior to entering the workplace. Aside from online tutoring, I have also gained invaluable experience working as an English teacher in a school in South Korea, volunteering as an assistant mathematics teacher at a local secondary school, and working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant at my university.

I have a very flexible approach to tutoring and am very happy to adapt my approach to the requirements of any student. In general, I strongly believe that a discursive and interactive approach to teaching and learning is the most effective and enjoyable. Above all, students do their best when they enjoy what they are doing!

If you have any questions about my experience, please feel free to contact me at support@doxa.co.uk


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