Oli - Oxford

MPhil in Philosophy - University of Oxford | BA in Philosophy - University of Warwick


I’m a friendly tutor with five years of tutoring behind me, making up hundreds of hours of experience. I have worked both with private clients and through schools to support disadvantaged students.

I aim to promote interest as well as understanding in the fields I tutor in. I am a Philosophy graduate from the University of Warwick, where I received a First Class Bachelor's Degree and was offered a scholarship to continue to their MPhil in Philosophy. However, I moved to the University of Oxford for my postgraduate study, where I am now. My research interests are broadly moral, political, and metaethical philosophy. I am also well versed in many other areas of philosophy, including philosophy of language, existentialism, and metaphysics. 

If you have any questions about my experience, please feel free to contact me at support@doxa.co.uk


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