Gavin - UCL

PhD/MSc/BSc in Economics - University College London

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I am currently an Assistant Professor at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE). I completed my PhD in Economics from University College London (UCL) in 2019 where I was an award-winning teaching assistant across numerous undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Microeconomics, Behavioural Economics, Experimental Economics, Econometrics, Mathematics, and Statistics. I have also advised on BSc and MSc dissertations in the above topics.

My research is based in Microeconomics, specifically in Applied and Theoretical Behavioural Economics, Experimental Economics, Decision Theory, and Revealed Preference Theory. After receiving my undergraduate and master’s degree in Economics from UCL, I spent 1 year as a research assistant at the London School of Economics at the Grantham Research Institute. During my PhD, I also served as the auxiliary for applications to the PhD Programme. Over the years, I have provided professional guidance for all levels of prospective university applications, including undergraduate (BSc/BA) and postgraduate studies (MSc/MA/MPhil/MRes/PhD). I have also done personal tutoring of all varieties of students, from GCSE to PhD levels in Economics.

My approach is simple and completely adaptable to whatever is required.

If you have any questions about my experience, please feel free to contact me at


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