Kes - Oxford

BA in Philosophy, Politics & Economics - University of Oxford


Since graduating in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Christ Church, Oxford, I’ve tutored for over 2000 hours, alongside co-founding Doxa. I have taught a range of subjects, including 11+, GCSEs and A-Levels. In addition, I have supported a great many students with their university applications.

I have taught both classes and one-to-one. Furthermore, I have worked with schools, tuition agencies and international education consultants. I specialise in 11+, GCSE English & Mathematics and Oxbridge interview practise, although teach other topics as well.

My students come from a diverse range of backgrounds; I have taught special needs students, gifted and talented students, underprivileged students and students to whom English is a second language. My students are based all over the world, including China, UAE and India. I have helped many of them successfully secure places in UK schools and universities.

After achieving 5 A*s at A-Level, I took a year out to work before beginning at Oxford. I have worked in consultancy, retail, politics, banking, hospitality, the charity sector and technology, as well as starting my own tutoring company. Whilst at Oxford, I co-founded a speaker society; by the time I left the largest speaker society registered with the university. I have also achieved a counselling qualification, to help me understand the difficulties students may face outside of academia.

When I’m not working I enjoy working on my novel, learning to speak Vietnamese and drinking good loose-leaf tea.


"I've seen substantial improvement in my daughter's work; I'm particularly pleased that she actually seems to enjoy it too!"

"I can not recommend highly enough"

"Not only was he given great feedback on how to improve his skills, but he was given confidence in the things he did know."


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