Maha - Imperial

MEng Aeronautical Engineering - Imperial College London


I am currently in my third year of a four-year MEng degree in Aeronautical Engineering at Imperial College London. This year, I decided to specialise in Spacecraft Engineering. The modules I am taking include: Aircraft Aerodynamics, Spacecraft Structures and Systems, Finite Elements, and Aerospace Vehicle Design.

Before coming to the UK, I studied in a French high school based in Tangier, in the North of Morocco. I have passed my French Baccalauréat specialising in Mathematics with the highest distinction (Mention Très Bien). I have been tutoring and mentoring for the past three years with a very broad variety of students with extremely different backgrounds. I am therefore well equipped to help students achieve their full potential. From my own personal experience applying for top universities in the UK and getting offers, I can also give advice for the admission process, tests and interviews.


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