Lily - Cambridge

BA Education & Psychology - Cambridge University


I am a recent graduate from the University of Cambridge, with a high 2.i in Education and Psychology. My modules included 'Developmental Psychology', 'Emergency of Education Systems', 'Education and Neuroscience'. I am passionate about both fields and aim to complete my Educational Psychology doctorate training within 5 years.

Currently, I am completing a PGCE via the schools direct. I have so far scored all distinctions in the academic modules. I have experience teaching both KS1 and KS2 classes, and will be taking on a full time Year 5 class teacher role in September. I am also an 11+ tutor, so have extensive and valuable experience tutoring this and understand what is required of pupils.

Outside of this, I was part of many societies whilst at University. For instance, I was president of the University of Cambridge Cheerleading Society and the Homerton College Coding Society.

If you have any questions about my experience, please feel free to contact me at


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