Kit - Oxford

MEng in Engineering Science - University of Oxford

Hi there! My name is Kit, I'm an engineer, mentor and tutor. I graduated from New College, Oxford in 2015 with a Masters in Engineering Science and have worked as an engineer in industry since then. I have extensive interview experience (on both sides of the table) and try to bring this to all of my mentoring sessions.

Interviewing well is about clearly communicating who you are and how you think. For engineers, this means solving problems, thinking out loud, listening to hints and being able to backtrack. The best engineers I have ever met are all able to set ego aside in the search for the correct solution to a problem. This means being able to discuss a problem without over investing in a particular solution before all of the facts are presented. This skill is particularly important in an interview and something that I often work on with my tutees. Where possible, my lessons tend to be student led, so bring your thinking cap and let’s tackle some tricky problems.


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