Kian - Oxford

BA in Law (Jurisprudence) - University of Oxford


I have been offering Oxbridge application support since my graduation in 2016. My students have a very international background and I’ve tutored students based in China, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia and Singapore. The practice of law is often said to be more of an art. But getting an interview offer in the first place? That requires a scientific approach.

Over the years, I’ve distilled some of the key elements to a successful interview. First of all, practice makes perfect. Once you’re familiar with the exam format, you’ve won half the battle. Secondly, there’s no substitute for the real thing. You want to simulate the actual interview as closely as possible. My familiarity with the cases and statutes that the colleges like to use helps me do that.


We create a global team of experts who manage your entire application from start to finish. You also have your own personal Application Strategist who can be contacted anytime via Whatsapp. Click below to find out more.