Anna - Cambridge

BSc in Neuroscience - University of Bristol | Medicine (Graduate Entry) - University of Cambridge


I am currently in second year studying Medicine at the University of Cambridge. Prior to this, I graduated from the University of Bristol with a First-Class degree in Neuroscience. Being in the second year means I am still extremely familiar with the rigorous application process Medicine brings and the current curriculum. I have many hours of experience in helping prepare students for the Medicine application process and assisting with wider clinical knowledge in Neuroscience.

Previously working as a research assistant for the University of Cambridge has enabled me to be an author on multiple papers and also present at conferences. As a result, I have insight into both the clinical and research aspects of a medical career. The combination of these experiences means I am well-equipped to prepare prospective students as to what to expect academically at such research-focused institutions.

I have mentored many pupils from a range of ages – from supporting Year 8 pupils with essays to A-level and postgraduate students applying to Medicine. I have reviewed personal statements, conducted multiple mock interviews and worked closely with students on their interview preparation with success.

My approach is to identify each students’ personal experiences and interests in combination with reducing the uncertainty that the application process brings. This enables students not only to improve their application and interview technique but also encourages students to gain confidence in their own abilities.

If you have any questions about my experience, please feel free to contact me at


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