Hubert - Oxford

DPhil in History - University of Oxford | BA/MA in History - King’s College, London


I read history and modern history for my bachelor’s and master’s degrees at King’s College, London. My doctoral thesis, which I have defended in 2019 at the University of Oxford, analysed the twentieth-century relationship between various strands of Christian thought and Marxism. A book based on the dissertation will be published next year.

I am especially interested in intellectual issues at the intersection of philosophy, theology and politics. I truly believe in pursuing an old-fashioned ideal of interdisciplinary humanities. I have taught political philosophy courses at Oxford and University College London.

I have six years worth of experience in tutoring History, Politics, Philosophy and Religious Studies for A-level and IB programmes, as well as mentoring students in the application process for all levels of university education, including graduate schools.

If you have any questions about my experience, please feel free to contact me at


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