
Human Sciences is an undergraduate degree that is often overlooked at Oxford, having a much smaller intake than similar courses at Cambridge, Human Social and Political Science. However, it allows students to study all aspects of human life, from the biology to the social and the cultural. You will find yourself at times being a historian, a social scientist and a biologist. A diverse range of topics are covered within this degree and it is ideal for students with diverse passions who don’t want to narrow their focus. Human Sciences students are in a good position to go into the civil service, consultancy, social policy and teaching among many other areas.


As a subject, you can you choose from an incredibly diverse range of finals papers (or a thesis) to be taken in your third year. However, the first two years of the degree focuses on compulsory papers across the disciplines, taking five courses each year. You will typically attend one or two lectures a day, and complete two essays most weeks for tutorials. However, most of your time will be spent with independent study, reading academic articles, books and textbooks. You will have to do more time management than most science students, but have a more set timetable than most humanities.


The requirements are AAA at A level, this is a minimum requirement and most students excel beyond this. However, Oxford uses contextual data so students from worse performing schools do not need to worry about achieving three A*s. Useful subjects to take include biology, mathematics, and an essay based subject such as history, economics or politics. Students should show an ability to perform well in sciences and mathematics, this should be reflected in GCSEs and any practical components taken in your science A levels.

Human Sciences applicants will need to sit both sections of the TSA, and should expect to be able to achieve a score over 60 in their mocks. Human sciences has one of the higher acceptance rates at Oxford. However, due to the small intake this often varies more from year to year than many other subjects.


2017 - Applications: 185, Offers: 34, Acceptance Rate: 16%.


Personal Statements

Our Mentors offer advice on personal statement structure and writing; they also recommend literature.

Entrance Tests

Oxbridge entrance exams are different from GCSEs and A Levels; our Mentors can help you with them.


Interviews are vital to Oxbridge success. They are also what students practise least; our Mentors can help.

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