Essay Assistance

Make your essay stand out

Your submitted essays provide the tutors with an in-depth understanding of your academic ability. They are one of the most comprehensive ways for tutors to understand your likelihood of success at Oxbridge. Yet, tutors often find that the essays they receive do not highlight the specific academic attributes they are looking for. In addition, one cannot underestimate how important a second pair of eyes can be; although an essay may flow well to you, it may well not to others.

What we can do

Mentors can help ensure the narrative flows and the structure of your essay makes sense. In addition, they can recommend literature to include in your essays and help you analyse it as appropriate. It is important to state that Doxa is not an essay writing service; we know that tutors see through these services and will not accept applicants who use them. Instead, we focus on ensuring your essays highlight your great academic potential, by bringing the best out of you. 

Essay structure is equally important; if an essay is not structured well then it will not read well. Our Mentors help you highlight your academic ability in a well-structured and comprehensive manner, whilst ensuring the content remains compelling and insightful.

During the session, we will send you other sources of relevant and insightful information you can read through in your own time. Mentors send written feedback for the session after it takes place, to ensure you have a copy of everything discussed that you can revisit in your own time.

One to One and Classes

Doxa provides classes and one to one tuition; all tutorials are an hour long. We will email you in advance of the session, requesting a copy of your personal statement in its current form, so Mentors can review it before the tutorial takes place.

Classes provide good essay structuring technique, as well as an overview of the attributes of good content to include in essays. In addition, Mentors will provide critical feedback for essays provided in advance of the session. For our full list of classes please see below.

One to One support can be found by clicking on our Mentors below. Mentors will comb through your essays in great detail and offer recommendations for change. In addition, they will help ensure your analysis is precise and compelling, and ensure it is presented in a well-structured manner. One to one support tends to be naturally more tailored and more detailed than class support.