Hugh - Cambridge

MMath in Mathematics - University of Cambridge

Hi! I'm a recent Maths graduate from Cambridge University, where I attained a Merit grade in my master’s degree, and am now working in statistical and bioinformatics research into lung cancer at University College London. I've always had a passion for Maths and enjoyed showing others how beautiful it could be, as well as tips and tricks I'd picked up along the way.

My application required me to attain a 1 in STEP II and III, the Cambridge Maths entrance exams, for which I studied the maths and reasoning needed for STEP as well as the habits of the examiners and idiosyncrasies of the exam itself. Throughout my time at Cambridge I worked with my college's access department, giving talks on Cambridge admission to schools and talking individually with students about the structure of a Cambridge application and how best to maximise their chances.

During school, I tutored multiple students on a freelance basis, both of my age and younger, either helping with current schoolwork or delving into more interesting super-curricular Maths to pique their interests. I also tutored students to help with their 11+ and GCSE exams.


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